FIELD SIZE DATA DESCRIPTION [[HEADER SECTION]] Lead-in 8 %SECAPP% File format magic header Version 2 \x00\x00 Version info. Currently at version 0 (For future use) Index size 4 [int32_t] Number of index table entries Padding 2 \xFF\xFF Padding bytes for block alignment [[INDEX TABLE SECTION]] [INDEX TABLE ENTRY] (Repeated "Index size" times) Block offset 4 [int32_t] Offset in bytes into the data section where the block starts Block size 4 [int32_t] Size of the data block in bytes [[SIGNATURE SECTION]] [SIGNATURE HEADER] Type 2 [int16_t] Signature algorithm used. (Currently only type 0 is supported) Size 2 [int16_t] Signature size in bytes [SIGNATURE DATA] Data ? [raw bytes] Block of bytes containing code signing signature. Size is determined by [SIGNATURE HEADER] [[DATA SECTION]] [DATA BLOCK] (Repeated "Index size" times) DATA ? [raw bytes] Block of bytes containing application code. Size is specified by [INDEX TABLE ENTRY]